Json – INNER JOIN in jq
Using the input given, I need to join the true "user" value from the tweets array with the id in the users array and display the users array object as part of the tweets array Input: { "tweets": [ {…
Using the input given, I need to join the true "user" value from the tweets array with the id in the users array and display the users array object as part of the tweets array Input: { "tweets": [ {…
I am trying to write a javascript recursive function that receives one parameter - nested JSON object. The function goes through the potentially infinitely nested object and converts all the keys (property names) to a string that is stored in…
I want to create keyboard shortcut in order to switch between tabs in the terminal window. I tried writing new lines in the json file , but it does not seem to work. I added a picture to explain my…
I want to write a JOLT definition that loops through each object in my data array, and move the object to the "found" array if the key "parent_id" is present, but otherwise, if the "parent_id" key is not present, move…
What I'm trying to accomplish is taking a simple array ($territories) $territories = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18] And assign each value as a variable, so that it can be used inside another function, and needs to run for each value in the first…
I have a '.txt' file that contains JSON data like below. [{'tradable': True, 'mode': 'full', 'instrument_token': 4708097, 'last_price': 178.65, 'last_traded_quantity': 5, 'average_traded_price': 180.1, 'volume_traded': 4581928, 'total_buy_quantity': 1282853, 'total_sell_quantity': 1673842, 'ohlc': {'open': 181.95, 'high': 181.95, 'low': 177.8, 'close': 181.0}, 'change': -1.2983425414364609,…
I know this question has been asked but none of the solutions are working for me and I can't figure out what's wrong. I have an object with a nested array of objects I am stringifying but I get a…
This is what the body looks like: { "_total": 3, "users": [ { "username": "person1", "points": 3 }, { "username": "person2", "points": 2 }, { "username": "person3", "points": 1 } ] } The code: public class UserData { public string…
I'm trying to get a curl response between {}. I have found and tested a regex command that works files with Sublime or an online tester. The problem occurs when I try to execute it with grep from MacOS. I…
I am trying to use the .includes( ) array method to check if an item is in my JSON file. So far I have made a connection to the database (using JSON server npm plugin) and have retrieved the array…