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terraform using for_each to find data source

In a aws_ssoadmin_permission_set_inline_policy ressource, i'm using a for_each to parse a list of name corresponding to my data source name. It doesn't work when using the each.key but wokring when hard coding the value inline_policy = data.aws_iam_policy_document.emobg-sso-billing-admin.json data "aws_iam_policy_document" "emobg-sso-billing-admin"…


How can I insert json string to MongoDB?

I have a json string. Like this: "{"http_requests":[{"http_requests":{"code":"400","method":"PUT","value":89}},{"http_requests":{"code":"200","method":"PUT","value":45}}]}" I want to insert this json to mongodb. But I have error in my code. The error is "cannot transform type string to a BSON Document: WriteString can only write while positioned…

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