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Parse simple JSON into dataframe with R

A seemingly simple JSON file that I would like to parse with R: tmp_extract <- "{"encrypted_values":[{"name_a":"value_a"}, {"name_b":"value_b"}, {"name_c":"value_c"}]}" An attempt with jsonlite::fromJSON produces a dataframe with as many columns as there are names and only a value per column. tmp_extract…


Json – What's the best way to get result from ReadAsStringAsync response?

What I have This code calling my API: HttpResponseMessage response = await Http.GetAsync("https://localhost:7094/api/MyResource/94d0e5ca-2be7-42f7-94dc-13955c11595c"); response.EnsureSuccessStatusCode(); string responseBody = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); Console.WriteLine($"RESPONSE: {responseBody}"); var payload = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<MyClass>(responseBody); var json = JsonSerializer.Serialize(payload); Console.WriteLine($"PAYLOAD: {json}"); This code is called from OnInitializedAsync in a NET8…


Json – To print the data after replacing the given expression with the values in XML file using "ElementTree" library

Given XML file snippet is: <?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?> <event_configuration family="21" version="2"> <pqr subtype="abc"> <event val="73002" name="$MyCpu"> </event> <event val="73003" name="$MyCpuKernel"> </event> <metric name="Ratio" expression="$MyCpuKernel / $MyCpu"> </metric> </pqr> </event_configuration> I have parsed this xml file using "ElementTree" library in Python,…

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