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Css shows up as html

Hi I have a basic webapp with an index.jsp and I'm trying to apply some css, but it seems like the browser interprets my css page as html and i just dont know why. this is the jsp. I tried…


Json – How to get all elements in arrays type Map and send to JSP file by JSTL in Spring

I have a JSON attribute's value in Java, I can get the value properly but I couldn't send to JSP file.. My JSON: periods = {"number":1,"name":"Tonight","startTime":"2023-06-05T22:00:00-04:00","endTime":"2023-06-06T06:00:00-04:00","isDaytime":false,"temperature":63,"temperatureUnit":"F","temperatureTrend":"rising","probabilityOfPrecipitation":{"unitCode":"wmoUnit:percent","value":null},"dewpoint":{"unitCode":"wmoUnit:degC","value":8.333333333333334},"relativeHumidity":{"unitCode":"wmoUnit:percent","value":50},"windSpeed":"9 mph","windDirection":"NW","icon":"","shortForecast":"Partly Cloudy","detailedForecast":"Partly cloudy. Low around 63, with temperatures rising to around 65 overnight. Northwest…


Splitting a Pipe delimited text and passing it in a JS method – Jquery

Html - <div class="pageEdit" value="Create|8765678|FOOD=6578~-8765678?|9381"> <a href="https://host:controller">Edit</a> </div> I want to get the value inside the div and pass that in a Javascript method after splitting pipe. $(".pageEdit").on('click',function(event){ var data = $(".pageEdit").text().split("|"); functionPageCreate(data(0),data(1),data(2),data(3)); }); This is not working. I do…


Else statement's code is also printing even though if statement is true – Mysql

This is the code: <% try { String enteredOtp = request.getParameter("otps"); String actualOtp = (String) session.getAttribute("OTP"); if (enteredOtp.equals(actualOtp)) { String eemail = (String)session.getAttribute("eemail"); Connection con; Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mysql","root","12345"); Statement stm = con.createStatement(); String m = "select * from empinfo…


Removing css class of the <img> tag after loading it – Html

I have this code out.print("<img class="blurry-load" style="margin:0px;border:0px;padding:0px;left:0px;top:0px;" id="" + getId() + "" " + " onmousedown="registraPosicion(event);" ondragstart="registraPosicion(event);" ondrag="reposiciona(event);" ondragend='setTimeout("registraPosFinal();",500);" 'onload='loaded(("blurry-load"));'" + "src="" + request.getContextPath() + "/imagestore/" + newFileName + "?" + getNode() + "=" + selectId + "&" + "image.index"…

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