.net core 2.0 JWT token
I have a web Api built with .net core 2.0 and a mobile app built with xamarin. To login the mobile app make a call to the web api by passing (username and password). If the credentials are valid web…
I have a web Api built with .net core 2.0 and a mobile app built with xamarin. To login the mobile app make a call to the web api by passing (username and password). If the credentials are valid web…
I'm trying to understand the basic organizations and login flow between social logins on a mobile app and how that app requests resources from a backend flask api. If the user logins into the app through Facebook, how does the…
For the past 10+ days I've read an watched ALL the content I could find on understanding OAuth2 and OpenID Connect, only to find that many people disagree on the implementation, which really confuses me. To my understanding, all the…
I am building an application using JWT for authentication. I started doing some research and I am surprised by the lack of consensus about topics such as refresh tokens and storage for tokens. As far as I can see JWT…
From what I understand, the end-result of the implicit flow is the access token, which allows the client (in my case a JS SPA) to authenticate into resource servers (APIs). The access token is usually only valid for ~1 hour,…
This question is for anyone who is familiar with Node.js Express Passport JWT Authentication with passport (JSON Web Tokens) Facebook OAuth2.0 OR Google OAuth2.0 I have been doing some online courses and understand how to do the two following things:…
I am developing a web application using .net Core Web API. So far I have used Identity to authenticate and manage users. Is it often the case and suggested to use an auth service like Google Firebase Auth while still…
I'm developing a javascript spa in vue.js which is going to eventually be a cordova application. As well as a backend api built with lumen. I'm trying to provide login with facebook and google functionality. I've added the laravel socialite…
So far I have only dealt with server-rendered apps, where after a user logs in via username/password or using an OAuth provider (Facebook etc.), the server just sets a session cookie while redirecting to the relevant page. However now I'm…
I'm implementing Facebook logins on an iOS app with a .net core web api backend. I created the app in Facebook with a client id and secret. I added iOS and web pages to my app The iOS app successfully…