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How can i force TextInput to grow while multiline={false} on react native?

<TextInput ref={inputRef} value={text} style={styles.textInput} returnKeyType="next" placeholder={'placeholder'} scrollEnabled={false} blurOnSubmit={false} onFocus={onFocusInput} textAlignVertical="center" onContentSizeChange={onChangeContentSizeChange} onChangeText={onInputChangeValue} onBlur={onInputBlur} onKeyPress={onInputKeyPress} onSubmitEditing={() =>NextScript(id)} multiline={false} numberOfLines={5} /> The logic is i want onSubmitEditing to take me to next textinputfield and i need the text to wrap one much…


Jquery – Call a function on Keydown

On document ready, this function performNext calls fine: $(document).ready(function() { performNext(); }); performNext function hides a current fieldset and shows a next one, my question here is an extension of another question with minimal reproducible example I asked here But…


Javascript, keypress if i use it when i want user input to be added in a list only one character i.e., the latest pressed key shows up

i wanted to add a userinput in a todo list using keypress but only one character is taken by the input filed. this is the code: input.addEventListener("keypress", function(event){ if(input.value.length>0 && event.key === 'Enter'){ var li = document.createElement("li"); li.appendChild(document.createTextNode(input.value)); ul.appendChild(li); }…

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