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Set activity for Firebase authentication in MVVM

I want to use Firebase to authenticate user via phone in an Android app. The doc says to do this val options = PhoneAuthOptions.newBuilder(auth) .setPhoneNumber(phoneNumber) // Phone number to verify .setTimeout(60L, TimeUnit.SECONDS) // Timeout and unit .setActivity(this) // Activity (for…


Flutter – Build failed due to the gradle version

Why I am trying to build the apk, while run the flutter build apk I am getting an error like this `FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. Where: Build file '/Users/mac/Vista-Learning/Vista-Learning-code-base/App/Mobile apps/YT-fix/vlearning-mobile-app/android/app/build.gradle' line: 31 What went wrong: A problem occurred…


Flutter – Provided Metadata instance has version 2.1.0, while maximum supported version is 2.0.0. To support newer versions, update the kotlinx-metadata-jvm

I tried to geneate the apk in Flutter, and then it show me this error: ERROR: R8: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Provided Metadata instance has version 2.1.0, while maximum supported version is 2.0.0. To support newer versions, update the kotlinx-metadata-jvm library. FAILURE: Build…


Kotlin Volley Json get value

I've been working on this for some time and searching the internet, but I just can't find the solution. I use volley to query an api and receive this response. { "Title": "Groupname", "requestedURL": "url", "responseURL": [ "", "", ""…

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