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This error appeared when I ran flutter build apk –release

My application written in flutter language gives the following error: e: C:/Users/Mert/Desktop/isg_yeni/isg/build/sensors_plus/.transforms/850bf5b7a09199329b383f74fe33a0fc/transformed/out/jars/classes.jar!/META-INF/sensors_plus_release.kotlin_module: Module was compiled with an incompatible version of Kotlin. The binary version of its metadata is 1.9.0, expected version is 1.6.0. e: C:/Users/Mert/Desktop/isg_yeni/isg/build/share_plus/.transforms/738a704c1196ddd6d9f00fc45e444923/transformed/out/jars/classes.jar!/META-INF/share_plus_release.kotlin_module: Module was compiled with an…


Email update in Firebase Authentication – Kotlin

I want the user to be able to update their email address from within the app. I wrote the following code to update email in Firebase Authentication. val user = firebaseUser.currentUser!! val credential = EmailAuthProvider .getCredential(currentEmail, currentPassword) user.reauthenticate(credential) .addOnCompleteListener {…

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