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Azure – Kusto (KQL), How to pivot event rows that are grouped into single lines (by user and day), including event start and end times?

I hope somebody can help me with a tricky Kusto query. I have the following dataset, which contains events raised by user, where events are represented with event code: datatable(CreatedDate:datetime, User:string, EventCode:string) [ datetime(4-22-2024 12:44:02.750 PM), "user1", "TS", datetime(4-23-2024 4:09:30.551…


Azure – Compute Usage in KQL

Usage - List I'm trying to get Compute Usage List using KQL in Azure, you can find it in above link for reference. { "value": [ { "unit": "Count", "currentValue": 17, "limit": 19, "name": { "value": "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa", "localizedValue": "aaaaaaaaaaaaaa" }…

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