419 Error in Laravel 11 during registration
I am encountering the following error in my new installation of laravel 11 and vue when I try to submit a form, in this case, the Register form. 419 | PAGE EXPIRED I have checked this question and yes, I…
I am encountering the following error in my new installation of laravel 11 and vue when I try to submit a form, in this case, the Register form. 419 | PAGE EXPIRED I have checked this question and yes, I…
I created a project in Laravel 11 with Laradock in multi-project and thus defined the host in the hosts file: laravel.api.test config/cors.php return [ 'paths' => ['api/*', 'sanctum/csrf-cookie', 'auth/*'], 'allowed_methods' => ['*'], 'allowed_origins' => ['*'], 'allowed_origins_patterns' => [], 'allowed_headers'…
I have a route that serves as a webhook endpoint that gets called by a remote service, but the calls that the service makes to the webhook always fail. After some inspection of the service logs, I learned that the…
I'm currently working on a Laravel application, and I've encountered an issue with clearing the cache. I've attempted to use the artisan command php artisan cache:clear, but it results in an error message stating "Failed to clear cache. Make sure…
To start, I know that this has been answered for previous versions of Laravel (example SO Post), but in 11, it seems like things have changed. In my project, Ihave a structure like: / ... resources/ css/ main.css js/ main.js…
What should I use in controller's constructor for authenticating my methods in laravel 11. <?php public function __construct(){ $this->middleware('auth:sanctum')->except(['index', 'show']); } ?> We used write this before laravel 11. Now what should we need to use instead of this? I…
I can't add constructor in my event listener.Laravel 11 there is no EventService provider also. I need an example for this public function handle(NewUserEvent $event): void { Mail::send('3_Emails.1_CommonMailTemplate', $mailData, function ($message) use ($Name, $Email) { $message->to($Email) ->subject("Contact | $Name") ->cc('[email protected]')…
I am attempting to integrate Laravel 11 with React.js for data retrieval and transmission between the two. However, I cannot locate the routes/api.php file in the latest version of Laravel. I have searched for others experiencing the same issue, but…
I seek guidance on importing classes and managing aliases in Laravel 11, which has introduced a new directory structure. In previous Laravel versions, I would handle these tasks in the app.php configuration file. However, Laravel 11 seems to have a…