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Php versions – Use of undefined constant login – assumed 'login' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) when trying to logout

when ever i want to logout, it always show "Use of undefined constant login - assumed 'login'" error. what did i do wrong? web.php route::get('/logout','AuthController@logout')->name('logout'); route::get('/','PagesController@home')->name('home'); AuthController.php public function getLogin(){ return view('login'); } public function postLogin(Request $request){ if(!Auth::attempt(['email' => $request->email,…


Php versions – Getting error of php version in Laravel 6 composer update even though my php version is 7.2.1

I downloaded a laravel 6 demo project and setting it up in my mac mamp. Initialy my php version was 7.1.23 and i was getting this error. Warning: require(/Applications/MAMP/htdocs/laravel_demo/public/../vendor/autoload.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/laravel_demo/public/index.php…

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