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Laravel – Disable View Composer for Blade TestView?

The client wants the layouts.sidebar.blade.php to have a link for users with a certain role. The AppServiceProvider boots a NotificationComposer for all (*) views. The NotificationComposer has the following code $view->with('unreadNotificationCount', count(request()->user()->unreadNotifications)); I want to write a test like the…


Bug with Laravel Eloquent query buldier

I found a weird situation when nesting in a query a where with a orWhereNull. The result is returning rows with values that are neither null nor correct This is the code: $query = Document::where("active", true)->where("type_id", $document_type->id); if($selected) { $query->where(function($q)…


Unable to access user id through guard after login in laravel

I have this route defined in web.php web.php Route::group(['prefix' => 'user'], function () { Route::get('login', [FrontendController::class ,'showLoginForm'])->name('user.login-show'); Route::post('login', 'AppHttpControllersLoginController@login')->name(''); } this is my login controller <?php namespace AppHttpControllers; use Auth; use AppUser; use AppHttpControllersController; use IlluminateHttpRequest; use IlluminateFoundationAuthAuthenticatesUsers; use IlluminateSupportFacadesHash;…


Laravel successfully adding item in one to many relationship model but it is not being added to database

please help, I've been stuck here since then. I want to insert shipmentrequestitem from shipmentrequest model using update method public function update(UpdateShipmentRequestRequest $request, $id) { $shipmentRequest = ShipmentRequest::with( 'shipmentRequestItems', )->where('id',$id)->first(); $shipmentRequest->update($request->all()); $validatedData = $request->validated(); $shipmentRequestItems = $validatedData['shipmentRequestItems']; // $shipmentRequest =…


Laravel: regenerate cache

I am using cache to store data structure from database: Cache::forever(static::DATA_STRUCTURE, json_encode($tree)); However before I generate there should cleaned old: Artisan::call('cache:clear'); But generating new cache takes some time and I want to store old cache until new will be generated.…


Laravel – The GET method is not supported for route produk/index. Supported methods: POST

My error The GET method is not supported for route produk/index. Supported methods: POST. Route::post('/produk/index', [ProdukController::class,'index'])->name('produk.index'); web.php <?php use IlluminateSupportFacadesRoute; use AppHttpControllersLoginController; use AppHttpControllersProdukController; use AppHttpControllersSupplierController; /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Web Routes |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Here is where you can register…

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