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Laravel – FilamentPHP – Table actions not firing

I have a table function in a custom Filament page: I have initialized the page like this: <?php namespace AppFilamentAppResourcesOIPRequestResourcePages; use AppFilamentAppResourcesOIPRequestResource; use FilamentResourcesPagesPage; use FilamentTablesContractsHasTable; use FilamentFormsContractsHasForms; use FilamentTablesTable; use IlluminateDatabaseEloquentBuilder; use AppModelsOIPRequest; use FilamentTablesFiltersSelectFilter; use FilamentTablesFiltersFilter; use FilamentResourcesPagesListRecordsTab;…


Laravel – How to customize width of a modal form created by createOptionForm method in filament php

Below is my code for creating a modal form. How can I customize its width? I'd like to be a bit smaller ->createOptionForm([ FormsComponentsTextInput::make('name') ->required() ->maxLength(255) ->unique(modifyRuleUsing: function (Unique $rule) { return $rule->where('user_id', auth()->id()); }), FormsComponentsTextInput::make('stock') ->required() ->integer() ->minValue(1) ->maxLength(255),…


Laravel – DatePicker formatting filament v3

Package Version v3.0.0 DatePicker::make('reservation_date') ->label('Rezervasyon Tarihi') ->live(onBlur: true) I went to DatePicker component inside and add: public static string $defaultDateDisplayFormat = "d/m/Y"; However its still showing as "mm/dd/YYYY" on input before selection and after. Is there a solution for me…

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