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Laravel: How do you pass data to a blade.php?

I am having difficulty in understanding how to pass data to a .blade. I want to pass the users' username ($user) to a dashboard component. Here's a few things I've tried: return view('livewire.dashboard', ['user'=>'$user']); return view('livewire.dashboard', compact('$user')); return view('livewire.dashboard'->with('user',$user)); But…


Mysql – save checkbox in db as 0 or 1 using livewire

I have difficulty how to save the checkboxes on to the database using livewire. view: <div class="mt-2"> <div class="flex items-center space-x-8 justify-center"> <label for="Email"> Email</label> <input type="checkbox" value="{{$notificationEmail}}" id="notification_email" wire:model="notificationEmail"> <label for="Phone"> Phone Number</label> <input type="checkbox" value="{{$notificationPhone}}" id="notification_phone" wire:model="notificationPhone"> <label…

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