Undefined variable in laravel 9
I'm creating a user registration form. I create a form in the Component. when the user registers he redirects to the user page where he sees all users. when he wanted to edit or update something from in his details…
I'm creating a user registration form. I create a form in the Component. when the user registers he redirects to the user page where he sees all users. when he wanted to edit or update something from in his details…
I use Hash::make($req->pass); to login in Laravel. Now I forgot the password. Can I change the password by editing PHPMyAdmin? Is there any PHPMyadmin function to change the Bcrypt? For eg. To change the password stored in MD5, I can…
How to prevent browser back to display login page after logged in in inertia js? if you login to inertia demo CRM with this url : Demo Inertia Js : https://demo.inertiajs.com/login afetr loginning you can see login page by browser…
I have captured an image with React Native (expo-app) and can't find a proper way to send it to backend, mostly 500 and 422 appears (422 at this example). Here is how a image data looks {"base64": null, "height": 820,…
I've got 3 models: Order, OrderItem and Product (for simplicity just showing the relationships): class Order extends BaseModel { use Uuid; protected $casts = [ 'status' => OrderStatuses::class, ]; /** * An Order has multiple OrderItems associated to it. *…
in my laravel app I have to put the whole path of my file, like this: $credentialsFilePath = "C:xampphtdocsmyapp.comjsonmyapp-dda63-firebase-adminsdk-a84ay-19eb8e8646.json" However this doesn't look so good to me, in production I will have to change the string path for it to…
I am trying to access my image files stored inside storage/app/public/subfolder/ using symlink inside /public folder in my Laravel app. Everything works fine in my local setup and also in Jelastic Apache deployment, but it doesn't seem to work in…
I started learning Laravel 9 livewire. I am trying to make an image upload application. I did the exact example in the Livewire documentation, but I get an error that the image could not be uploaded. When I do the…
I do get a warning whenever I throw an exception in my code without explicitly stating it in the docblocs: I know this can be fixed by adding @throw tags, but the warning is actually not 100% true, as I…
In my code, I am showing an image to the user by changing the src to $("#" + img_tag_id).attr('src', image.toDataURL()); how can I take the value of this file to input tag below: HTML code: <input type="file" name="uploadNewImage"> I am…