csrf token mismatch even token exist – Laravel
i make ajax call for method using ajax and laravel so i put the token on the head of my blade file and send it with the form but i get an error 219 'csrf token mismatch " i can't…
i make ajax call for method using ajax and laravel so i put the token on the head of my blade file and send it with the form but i get an error 219 'csrf token mismatch " i can't…
I've been following the Livewire docs and screencasts to build my new app, but I could be doing something wrong because the <head> tag is been included twice. Here is my code: routesweb.php <?php use IlluminateSupportFacadesRoute; use AppHttpLivewireUserAll as UserAll;…
I have created a middleware in laravel! like below <?php namespace AppHttpMiddleware; use CarbonCarbon; use Closure; use IlluminateHttpRedirectResponse; use IlluminateHttpRequest; use IlluminateHttpResponse; use IlluminateSupportFacadesLog; use phpDocumentorReflectionTypesString_; class SystemActivityLogger { /** * Handle an incoming request. * * @param IlluminateHttpRequest $request…
The following query is giving me time with date but i need only date .How do I do? $data = DB::table('kahanighar_ivr.kahani_cdr') ->select(DB::raw('count(*) as a'),'dst','calldate as ibdate',DB::raw('"kahani" as ser')) ->where('dst','like','%7787%') ->wheredate('calldate','>=',"$request->start") ->wheredate('calldate','<=',"$request->end") ->groupBy('dst')->groupBy('calldate') ->union(DB::table('kids_ivr.kids_cdr') ->select(DB::raw('count(*) as a'),'dst','calldate as ibdate',DB::raw('"kids" as ser'))…
I have a domain mydomain.com and a nginx space to host my website. The URL address mydomain.com is already in use and I don't want to buy another domain, so I created a subdomain myapp.mydomain.com. Then I created a laravel…
Please help me. The website works fine in the local host, but it is having error in the C panel. How to solve? the path is: app/config/app.php
Here are two times in db in time format: "10:00:00" and "11:00:00". I have tried to compare them: $starttime = Carbon::parse($icomingdate['"starttime']); $endtime = Carbon::parser($icomingdate["endtime"]); if($starttime + 30 > $endtime && $endtime <= '23:59:00') { echo "Greated then start time +…
What's the best approach to store multiple images in database? Upon browsing and searching for solution and approaches I found 2 options first one is take the file name and concatenate and separate them using either comma or | but…
So I have this table: <table> <thead> <tr> <th style="width: 40%; text-align: center; vertical-align: center;">Nr.<br> crt.</th> <th style="font-weight: bold; width: 210%; height: 25; text-align: center; vertical-align: center;">Asistent</th> <th style="font-weight: bold; width: 210%; height: 25; text-align: center; vertical-align: center;">Ambulantier</th> <th style="text-align:…
public function update_room_detail(Request $request) { $request->validate([ 'room_type' => 'required', ]); if($images = $request->file('room_image')) { foreach($images as $item): $var = date_create(); $time = date_format($var, 'YmdHis'); $imageName = $time.'-'.$item->getClientOriginalName(); $item->move(public_path().'/assets/images/room', $imageName); $arr[] = $imageName; endforeach; $image = implode("|", $arr); } else {…