Laravel file failed to upload due to size
I am using Laravel as an API when I try to upload a file bigger than 2Mb I get error file failed to upload. I saw that it's related to php.ini file, I tried updating post_max_size and restart apache, but…
I am using Laravel as an API when I try to upload a file bigger than 2Mb I get error file failed to upload. I saw that it's related to php.ini file, I tried updating post_max_size and restart apache, but…
I have this dropdown i want to make it read only or disable {{ Form::select('name[]',$names,$name : '' ,['class'=>'form-control name input_fields','readonly'=>true,'id'=>'name']) }} tried disabled also {{ Form::select('name[]',$names,$name : '' ,['class'=>'form-control name input_fields','disabled'=>true,'id'=>'name']) }} but i want to disable options only the…
I have three Collections with the same keys and different numeric values, and I'd like to sum them together. e.g. $broadInventory = {'horse': 300, 'cow': 400, 'entropy': 400}; $ericaInventory = {'horse': 10, 'cow': 20, 'entropy': 30}; $johnsonInventory = {'horse': 5,…
I'm trying to implement Readmore/readless functionality for a Laravel feed page that returns many objects from DB. The problem is my readmore code only works for the first object but doesn't work on subsequent objects. It's kind of a Facebook…
I'm trying to build a filter on my data using laravel .. I have many to many relationships between the BasicItem model And AttValue Model and table Item_value between them. this code works as what I want but I need…
I want to fetch only one columns which has name image_url from relationship table. relationship on table is belongsTO. i am confused how to fetch only single column value with belongsTo relation. below is my model. <?php namespace AppModels; use…
I would like to echo a table of scores within a Ajax function. Everything works (connection Ajax/Controller), but how can I create a table in my controller, that sends a whole table? $scores = DB::table('scores')->select('teamname', 'score')->get(); Wishful outcome (It should…
im want to insert array to db with query builder on laravel controller, and i get error, I also haven't found a way to prohibit the same data from entering the database my foreach : $like = '123'; foreach($list as…
Could anyone help me to understand how to use variables in the following case: @for($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) @if(isset($images->image_$i_url)) <div class="w-25" > <img src="{{ Storage::url($images->image_$i_url) }}" alt="image" style="width: 128px;"> </div> @endif <div class="form-group"> <div class="input-group"> <div class="custom-file">…
I am making use of Laravel 9 This is a very weird issue and I really don't know what could be causing it. I am trying to implement a 404 error page(.../errors/404.blade.php) where I have a link that says Go…