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Why Laravel don't show or execute new Routes? – Apache

I don't know if I'm so stupid or my laravel is broken, BUT, here it is. That's my api.php: Route::get('/airport', [AppHttpControllersAirportsController::class, 'index']); Route::post('/airports', [AppHttpControllersAirportsController::class, 'create']); Route::get('/registrator', [AppHttpControllersRegistrationController::class, 'index']); The airport and airports work great. It's add all data in db…


How to check if data returned from ajax as json is empty object or not – Jquery ajax

I have set this script for checking if the email address exists in the DB or not: function checkemail(){ var e = document.getElementById("email").value; if(e != ""){ document.getElementById("emailstatus").innerHTML = 'checking ...'; $.ajax({ type:'get', url:'{!! URL::to('checkEmailExists') !!}', data:{'email':e}, success:function(data){ // console.log(data); if(Object.keys(data).length…

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