How do i deploy a laravel app on ubuntu server? (ssh) – Nginx
So i searched the first 2 pages of google for it but i cant seem to get it straight so, the problem is that i have the ip adress and the username and the password for the server and i…
So i searched the first 2 pages of google for it but i cant seem to get it straight so, the problem is that i have the ip adress and the username and the password for the server and i…
I have installed a fresh Laravel 8 Project using sail I followed the guide. First ran this curl -s "" | bash Then this ./vendor/bin/sail up But now I have difficulty connecting using mysql client. This is the command…
when I tried to run the application on it gives me error
I am new to Laravel. I have installed laravel on localhost using: composer create-project laravel/laravel news. Then, server.php to index.php, and copied .htaccess from public to root. However, the installation is displaying laravel default welcome view, successfully. The pain starts,…
first let me share some code: View / Form: <form id="xlsForm" enctype="multipart/form-data"> @csrf <input class="btn btn-primary" id="loadFile" type="file" name="excelfile" accept=".xls,.xlsx,.docx,.doc" required/> <input type ="hidden" name="load" value="0"> <button class="btn btn-light" name ="loadSubmit" id="loadSubmit" type="submit" value ="Analyze">Analyze</button> </form JQuery $('#xlsForm').submit(function uploadFile(event) {…
function () if ($request->ajax()) { $data = $request->input() $organisationGroup = new OrgrpOrganisationGroup; $organisationGroup->ORGRPID = $data['Group_Id']; $organisationGroup->ORGRPCode = $data['Group_Code']; $organisationGroup->ORGRPName = $data['Group_Name']; $organisationGroup->MSCONID = $data['Country']; $organisationGroup->MSCSTID =$data['State']; $organisationGroup->MSCCYID = $data['City']; $organisationGroup->MSCURID =$data['Currency']; $organisationGroup->save(); this is my controller i am getting form…
Hi I would like to update a semantic version number using php for a three digit system in string form. An example : '1.0.0' => function => '1.0.1' '1.0.12' => function => '1.0.13' Does anyone know a solution to this…
I'm having issues getting Laravel Sail to work on new laravel 8 project, I'm on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS , i followed the instructions as explained on Laravel Sails Documentation What i did so far was : First i created a…
Why these two font cannot load after I upload to CPANEL, in localhost everything running well
I am having an issue with my Laravel in Docker. Currently when I run php artisan migrate inside my container I get the error SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name does not resolve (SQL: select * from information_schema.tables where table_schema…