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Handle Laravel 404 or 500 error in jQuery AJAX

I'm currently stuck on an issue where I'm unable to handle 404 or 500 error with jQuery AJAX. I'm fetching some data from controller, and I'm returning json() with relevant status code: public function getFilteredProducts(Request $request){ $products = Product::where('product_category_id', $request->category_id)->get();…


Php versions – Why Laravel do not works

I've got a little problem, I can not run Laravel on my Mac OS X (the version of my Laravel is 5.4 PHP 7.3 and the error appears below. (3/3) ErrorException compact(): Undefined variable: operator (View: /Users/marques/Sites/barramento/resources/views/layouts/template.blade.php) (View: /Users/marques/Sites/barramento/resources/views/layouts/template.blade.php) enter…


use laravel foreach for send with ajax request – Jquery ajax

i want to use foreach id to send via ajax request. @foreach ($AssetsGroup as $AssetGroup) <tr> ... <td> <button id="btn_add{{ $AssetGroup->id }}" data-asset-group-id="{{ $AssetGroup->id }}">افزودن دارایی</button> </td> .... </tr> @endforeach ajax request $(document).on('click','#btn-save',function(){ var formDatas = { name: $('#name2').val(), group:…


Laravel how to access, in a view, a value passed by a controller, but inside a script section-Twitter bootstrap

From a request handler I pass a parameter to a request view: public function sol_solicitante(Request $request, $param){ return view('solicitante.solicitudes', compact('param')); } The view that the controller invokes is: @extends('') @section('title','Buzón Solicitudes') @section('css') <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <link rel="stylesheet"…

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