how do I encrypt this data? – Jquery ajax
how do I encrypt this data so that it is not visible, my case is when the data is updated, this data appears, how do I fix it? I update it using ajax
how do I encrypt this data so that it is not visible, my case is when the data is updated, this data appears, how do I fix it? I update it using ajax
I'm currently stuck on an issue where I'm unable to handle 404 or 500 error with jQuery AJAX. I'm fetching some data from controller, and I'm returning json() with relevant status code: public function getFilteredProducts(Request $request){ $products = Product::where('product_category_id', $request->category_id)->get();…
I want to create a php file in public directory that runs php artisan migrate:fresh (--seed) command in server. when I upload my project to FTP server I want to open that link (ex: and that file should run…
I've got a little problem, I can not run Laravel on my Mac OS X (the version of my Laravel is 5.4 PHP 7.3 and the error appears below. (3/3) ErrorException compact(): Undefined variable: operator (View: /Users/marques/Sites/barramento/resources/views/layouts/template.blade.php) (View: /Users/marques/Sites/barramento/resources/views/layouts/template.blade.php) enter…
I have uploaded my Laravel project to AWS hosting when I go to the IP address of EC2 instance it give me this error: Composer detected issues in your platform: Your Composer dependencies require a PHP version ">= 7.3.0". I…
i want to use foreach id to send via ajax request. @foreach ($AssetsGroup as $AssetGroup) <tr> ... <td> <button id="btn_add{{ $AssetGroup->id }}" data-asset-group-id="{{ $AssetGroup->id }}">افزودن دارایی</button> </td> .... </tr> @endforeach ajax request $(document).on('click','#btn-save',function(){ var formDatas = { name: $('#name2').val(), group:…
I am trying to run laravel application. I have an error: In CacheManager.php line 98: Cache store [] is not defined. Script @php artisan package:discover --ansi handling the post-autoload-dump event returned with error code 1 when I run: composer install…
From a request handler I pass a parameter to a request view: public function sol_solicitante(Request $request, $param){ return view('solicitante.solicitudes', compact('param')); } The view that the controller invokes is: @extends('') @section('title','Buzón Solicitudes') @section('css') <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <link rel="stylesheet"…
I am trying to ask the question as precisely as possible but I myself have lots of confusion about this. So please bear with me Problem - We have a third party API (Recurly) installed in our site. That site…
I have a Laravel app that sends an email every time the user want to reset his password. Everything works fine in my computer, but when I uploaded it to my VPS server (powered by Ionos and with Plesk Obsidian…