How to give URL in cron job in Cpanel for laravel routes?
Well, I am new to Hosting, I read a lot about cron jobs, to add a cron job in cpanel you have to specify the time at what time to execute, we need to specify the file path, but the…
Well, I am new to Hosting, I read a lot about cron jobs, to add a cron job in cpanel you have to specify the time at what time to execute, we need to specify the file path, but the…
I am new at plesk cpanel. I have tried to configure a laravel project on plesk for at least 5 hours. But It has showed the below error : SQLSTATE[HY000] [1045] Access denied for user 'database_root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) (SQL:…
I created a new laravel project, changed the application key, and the database data in .env and database.php files. Here is the .env: APP_NAME=NewSite APP_ENV=local APP_KEY=base64:Sh8WFAEfaUTDadmmpFiTDE8gbgUAOm7zgIywx8ZKRUo= APP_DEBUG=true APP_URL=http://localhost LOG_CHANNEL=stack DB_CONNECTION=mysql DB_HOST= DB_PORT=3306 DB_DATABASE=NewSite DB_USERNAME=NewSite DB_PASSWORD=NewSite BROADCAST_DRIVER=log CACHE_DRIVER=file QUEUE_CONNECTION=sync SESSION_DRIVER=file SESSION_LIFETIME=120…
I am having this error on my Laravel project. I already tried to change the version of my php but did not work. I currently using: Php version is PHP 7.3.11 Laravel version 5.5.34 Here is the error: Thanks for…
I am having an issue implementating a Cron Job for my Laravel application on a Apache/CPanel shared server. I have a task command that works fine whenever i run it from the command line and also works fine when called…
Hey friends i am switching from core php to laravel framework and every thing works fine but the main problem is that my old version of site is based on this url pattern And my new laravel project url…
Here my MySQL query (work in phpMyAdmin) : SELECT waktu_kerusakan, workcenter, COUNT(workcenter) AS jumlah_repair FROM repair WHERE year(waktu_kerusakan)='2019' GROUP BY workcenter , month(waktu_kerusakan) BETWEEN 1 and 6 Order By jumlah_repair Desc then, i try in Laravel Syntax like this below…
I have a simple form for adding pages information, the form looks like this as you can see above the prebid input, To add prebids we need to click plus button and pop up appear inside a popo up, I…
Here my MySQL query (work in phpMyAdmin) : SELECT workcenter, (SUM(w1+w2 +w3 +w4)/ (COUNT(DISTINCT(teknisi))*40*4) )*100 AS total FROM `team` GROUP by workcenter ORDER BY total then, i try in Laravel Sintax like this below (not work) : $sql = Team::groupBy('workcenter')->select('workcenter',…
I use standard stack logging and created files has wrong owner. I need to have www-data owner, but files has root owner. How can I fix this? Laravel version is 5.8 under Apache2+Php.