Lazy load Google map – SEO
I want to Lazy Load Google Maps to get a better pageload-speed for SEO. My javascript works, but it still tries to load the map multiple times. How can i get it to load once? I found other scripts but…
I want to Lazy Load Google Maps to get a better pageload-speed for SEO. My javascript works, but it still tries to load the map multiple times. How can i get it to load once? I found other scripts but…
My problem is that I need to get an authentication token before I make a call to an API. The api must be called on start up of application. However I am having trouble in that both calls are made…
We're attempting to implement ( on But after following all directions, the implementation will not work. When I run a check using DevTools, it outputs as false: typeof($("img").lazyload) === "function" I'm at a loss, and I'm not sure if…
I'm working towards improving my angular 6 SPA SEO score, I'm using Lighthouse audits to figure out specific/major issues that cause bad performance in order to get better score. I see a problem with my main javascript files. I run…
To implement Lazy Loading in Angular app, we need to add module route / main page (/public/) and then inner page route(/contact-us) like { path: 'public', loadChildren: '../public/public.module#PublicModule' } and inside PublicRouting { path: 'contact-us', component: ContactUsComponent } now for…
Im using Lazysizes on a Shopify Store, but I've noticed that the background images do no change to smaller sizes when the screen size gets to the preset on the data-bgset. I've followed the whole documentation but I see no…
I'm trying to set up my Angular 8 application to run with SSR but my lazyloaded modules triggers some undefined errors in webpack when I run my application with ng serve. It was working fine before with Angular 7 but…
I am unable to lazy-load webp images because the class attribute is not seen by browser. I am running the audit in Chrome browser to speed up my site as much as possible and the next thing to be done…
We have a product details page on our website and it has a preview of a large image of the product. The problem is because of it being too large and hi-res, it takes time to load and render on…
I have created a Section component which will take in an image as a property and its children as content to be displayed within the section, so the component would look as follows... <Section image={'path/to/image'}> //content </Section> The component will…