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R – Read NativeLand JSON and plot in ggplot

I would like to add my own features to the map of Native Land: > library(leaflet) > url = "" > NL <- sf::st_read(url) > ggplot(NL) + geom_sf() But I get the follow error: Error in `geom_sf()`: ! Problem while…


How to implement Javascript Leaflet demo code to show a simple map and point? (blank page returned)

I try to just imitate the simplest example code of Leaflet ( as follows. But somehow I only got the blank page. Can somebody spot what is wrong? Many thanks! <html> <head> <title>Map view with Leaflet</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="[email protected]/dist/leaflet.css" integrity="sha256-p4NxAoJBhIIN+hmNHrzRCf9tD/miZyoHS5obTRR9BMY="…


Javascript – React leaflet make one marker ignore it's events, so other can be clicked

I have code like this: return <React.Fragment key={i + 100}> <MapMarker obj={object} key={i} position={positionMap[i]} icon={objIcon} objName={convDataArr[1]} objType={convDataArr[2]} objStatus={convDataArr[3]} objcoalition={convDataArr[4]} objUnderAttack={convDataArr[5]} objNumUnits={convDataArr[6]} pane={convDataArr[2]} zIndexOffset={100} //riseOnHover={true} ></MapMarker> <FlameMarker key={i + 1000} position={positionMap[i]} icon={iconArray[21]} > </FlameMarker> </React.Fragment> which outputs 2 markers. FlameMarker is…

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