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Flutter: Why is my listTile color being overwritten by the container color?

I have a listTile builder that returns this listTile. The color of the listTile, white, is overwritten by its parent. How do I stop this? return ListTile( key: Key(index.toString()), tileColor: Colors.white, title: Text(widget.userExercises[index].name), subtitle: Text("${widget.userExercises[index].reps} Reps"), trailing: Text("${widget.userExercises[index].sets} Sets"), onTap:…


Populating a list view with a custom widget in flutter

I created a Calendar widget. I have 7 users and I would like to create 7 personal calendars. For this purpose, I am using a list view builder. import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:test_honours/model/doctors.dart'; import '../core/booking_calendar.dart'; import '../model/booking_service.dart'; import '../model/enums.dart';…


How to make scrollable part of page in Flutter?

I can't make scrollable the part highlighted in red And this is my code: class Home extends StatelessWidget { const Home({Key? key}) : super(key: key); @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Scaffold( body: Stack( children: [ _headerWidget(), _actionWidget(), _backgroundWidget(), _bottomBar()…

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