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Handle livewire events in both PHP and JS

I have this component called beat-player, on the PHP code I receive a dispatched event from another component and it works: <?php namespace AppLivewire; use LivewireComponent; use LivewireAttributesOn; class BeatPlayer extends Component { public $scores; public $difficulty; public $note_type; public…


Laravel – how to do form submit on pressing enter and add new line on shift+enter in livewire

my blade file <form class="new-chat-form border-gradient" wire:submit.prevent="sendMessage" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <textarea wire:model="inputMessage" id="message" rows="1" placeholder="Send a message..." onkeydown="handleKeyDown(event)" id="search-form"></textarea> <button type="submit" class="form-icon icon-send sendButton"> <i class="feather-send"></i> </button> </div> </form> <p class="b3 small-text">{{ config('') }} can make mistakes. Consider checking important information. </p>…


Laravel – Dependency Injection is not working on any of my Livewire 3 components

I'm facing a very weird issue. Dependency injection is not working, and I don't have any clue why it isn't. Here's my component: <?php namespace AppLivewireForms; use AppEnumsCourseType; use AppRepositoriesInterfacesICourseRepository; use BenSampoEnumRulesEnumValue; use Exception; use IlluminateSupportFacadesLog; use IlluminateValidationRule; use LivewireComponent;…

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