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Flutter: Lottie file crashes

Problem: The Lottie files that I downloaded do not show properly. Details: This is a screenshot when I run the code: image_result of the code And the actual image should be like this: image_actual image Code: Container( width: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width, height:…


Android Studio – Lottie Animation is not working and Lottie callback Listener not called in Android

I'm working on Lottie animation in android but Lottie animation callback function is not called. XML file: <com.airbnb.lottie.LottieAnimationView android:layout_width="@dimen/margin_15" android:layout_height="@dimen/margin_15" android:id="@+id/lav_LikeAnim" app:lottie_autoPlay="true" app:lottie_fileName="handshake_lottie.json" app:lottie_loop="false" android:visibility="gone" android:scaleX="2" android:scaleY="2" android:layout_gravity="center" /> Code: After response of liked: try { likeLottieAnim.playAnimation(); likeLottieAnim.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); iv_like.setVisibility(View.GONE); tv_likes_count.setVisibility(View.GONE);…

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