zsh: command not found: php – PHP Versions
I have been using php with mamp on mac for a year even with old versions of MacOS, since I installed MacOS Monterrey if I type php on the terminal I get a message:zsh: command not found: php Using older…
I have been using php with mamp on mac for a year even with old versions of MacOS, since I installed MacOS Monterrey if I type php on the terminal I get a message:zsh: command not found: php Using older…
Recently I moved to using an M1 Mac Mini as a build machine for Unity IOS projects through Xcode. Often I would use the Unity option to 'Build and Run' which would auto open Xcode and build the app -…
Upgraded to Mac OS 12 today and noticed PHP was removed. Have installed PHP 8 using brew. I've tried setting it up with the default httpd and also tried installing it with brew. I load the module in the config.…
I try to assign a file type to my application. In Info.plist I add: <key>CFBundleDocumentTypes</key> <array> <dict> <key>CFBundleTypeExtensions</key> <array> <string>type</string> </array> <key>CFBundleTypeIconFile</key> <string>icon</string> <key>CFBundleTypeName</key> <string>My Project</string> <key>CFBundleTypeRole</key> <string>Editor</string> <key>LSTypeIsPackage</key> <false/> </dict> </array> In Main.mm: .... -(BOOL) application:(NSApplication *)sender openFile:(NSString *)filename…
When building my mini project on macOS/XCode/C++, I get the linker error mentioned in the subject line, and I don't understand why I get it, and what I can do to avoid it. My code is extremely simple, it's essentially…
I tried install UE5 to my MacBook Pro m1. When I try create new project I got this error. ERROR: Unable to find a valid SDK for Mac. Found Version: 13.0. Must be between 11.0.0 and 12.9.9 If your Studio…
There are buttons present in apps, such as TextEdit where the sides of adjacent buttons are joined together. Does anyone know how I could replicate this visual? I'm working in SwiftUI on MacOS, and answers for MacOS 10 & 11…
I am getting the following error every time I try to run my app on a real device. Other people can run the same project using the same phone in another computer, so I think the problem is my computer.…
I just bought a M1 Mac mini running Big Sur 11.6, I've installed PHP 7.3, msodbcsql17, mssql-tools, sqlsrv and pdo_sqlsrv. But when I try to connect using sqlsrv, the following error happens [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server]SSL Provider: [OpenSSL…
I am trying to install Android Studio after upgrading Mac to macOS Monterey Version 12.0 Beta. But after the studio gets installed I get the below error stating that Android Studio needs to get updated. I am really not sure…