sass to css in Magento 1.9
I am using Magento 1.9 and I am trying to edit the background color of the megamenu. I navigated all the way to the .scss file but found a $menu-background at the place of the color hex.. .main-menu { position:…
I am using Magento 1.9 and I am trying to edit the background color of the megamenu. I navigated all the way to the .scss file but found a $menu-background at the place of the color hex.. .main-menu { position:…
I want to get the current product information in a controller. I created a function in block, and called that function in my phtml file. How can I accomplish this task?
I need to get a list of ordered physical items to ship from the database. The list need to consist of name, sku, quantity, price, weight, and dimensions. How can we fo this without using Magento's own framework components. The…
I have append the html content in particular div. styleBasedProducts += "<div class='row image-full'><div class='col-md-12 home-title text-center'><div><span class='light'>Style Based</span><span class='heavier'> Products</span></div><p aria-hidden='true'></p></div></div>"; And also init the custom js in this '.image-full' div. How to do this?
I want to display static block in html login popup during checkout, but there is a problem. This is the html template which is called from js, this js is called from phtml, and this phtml template called from xml…
We have a setup of 3 environments which are currently exact copies, and managed using GIT. The environments: Develop (development) Acceptance (testing) Master (live) I developed a custom module for a block that displays some products. The module is active…
I want to insert a product using sql directly, these are the table I've filled with the relative queries, the categories 1 is root and 19 already exists: INSERT INTO etpq_catalog_product_entity ( entity_type_id, attribute_set_id, type_id, sku, has_options, required_options, created_at, updated_at…
Can anybody help me how to edit price for each store view in magento 2? I want to change Store->Configuration->Catalog->Catalog->Price from global to store view
I have searched the internet in many places to find some answers to problems in the database of a Magento installation. The website is not available at such a moment (lasting most of the time about 15 minutes and resolves…
I run a Magento app and I made some updates in my server through WHM today, after that I'm getting the "Error 500". The weird thing is that this error not appears all time. For exemple, if I open…