Migrate Magento 1 design in Magento 2
I am migrating a Magento 1 store to Magento 2 version. But client was the same design to use in Magento 2. Is there any technique available which can convert Magento 1 theme into Magento 2 theme or I need…
I am migrating a Magento 1 store to Magento 2 version. But client was the same design to use in Magento 2. Is there any technique available which can convert Magento 1 theme into Magento 2 theme or I need…
I have an already set up Magento website. However I'd like to change few things like menus,... and they do not show in CMS --> Pages (as per many tutorials). It is becoming to difficult to find the right file…
My website Makimus.com (based on magento 1.9) is facing an issue that on any page sometimes when someone clicks on any link, another web-page in a new tab opens up. On checking the source code I found a malicious code…
I have two different SQL codes, one to get user names and emails, and the other one just phone numbers. Can you help to combine it with one script so it will be possible to get a list of user…
I have a price number that looks like this: $27,272.70000 I'm trying to make it look like this: $27,272.70 I'm stuck with trying different methods but here is what i've got so far: jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery('.cart-table-wrapper #shopping-cart-table tbody > tr').each(function()…
Given that I have multiple websites in my Magento instance, how do I identify the website where a particular event happened? For example, observing the checkout_cart_add_product_complete event lets me catch all Add to Cart events. Let's say I wanted to…
I have a site running Magento 2.2.1. I need to create a very simple PHP page that will look up a given product. I want to look up the product based on the SKU and just print the price and…
My current Product url is in this format : example.com/product_slug . I need to append the category and subcategory URLs along with this URL. The site is implemented using magento,which i am not much familiar with. Is there any option…
Earlier I have image with dimensions(675*774) and I updated the image with resolution 250*250 but still it's showing old image. https://shop.olamsvi.com/pub/media/catalog/category/Picture1_2.png When I load same Image with ?<random_number> updated image is showing with dimensions (250 * 250) https://shop.olamsvi.com/pub/media/catalog/category/Picture1_2.png?22 I have…
I have copied magento-frontend-luma theme and change vendortheme name and paste in design folder magento2appdesignfrontendWebmynepruthvi In registration.php MagentoFrameworkComponentComponentRegistrar::register( MagentoFrameworkComponentComponentRegistrar::THEME, 'frontend/Webmyne/pruthvi', __DIR__ ); In theme.xml <theme xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:Config/etc/theme.xsd"> <title>Webmyne Pruthvi</title> <parent>Magento/blank</parent> <media> <preview_image>media/preview.jpg</preview_image> </media> </theme> In composer.json { "name": "webmyne/pruthvi", "description":…