Magento product import
i want to programmatically import a product into my magento. Unfortunatly I get an error which is not telling me a lot maybe some of you have an idea. Here is my php code: echo '<pre>'; echo 'Create Product Model';…
i want to programmatically import a product into my magento. Unfortunatly I get an error which is not telling me a lot maybe some of you have an idea. Here is my php code: echo '<pre>'; echo 'Create Product Model';…
Here is my function for calling product attribute collection I have already get product attributes for the product's which are enabled but I am having issue in filtering them according to their own visibility i.e I want only those product…
I have created ajax function to call controller, and in conmtroller i have fetched some data and return as json, but in ajax function in response it is printing whole html page, instead of just json data. Controller: <?php class…
Hello I know this is simple question but I don't get any solution in here. So I am going to ask. I am using magento 1.9, and I want a product list with name and product Url of particular category.…
I'm using a Magento Shop Version 1.5.1. For invoice payment the extension Mxperts Invoice is installed: Right now in the admin form the the invoice: System - Konfiguration (Configuration) - Zahlungsarten (Payment methods) on top of the form there…
I'm working with Magento 1.9 and have a PHP include file that I'm using to display facebook pixel code based on the page type. IE: cart, checkout, product details, catalog, cms... I'm looking at the page request module, controller, action,…
I have a custom import script that works fine. I would like to remove one of the behaviors from the drop down menu. As I dont want to allow for appends to the custom table, only replace or deletes.
I am creating api to get filterable attribute for specific category in magento 2. We see in category page for layered navigation. I want to achieve exact same data in api. $objectManager = MagentoFrameworkAppObjectManager::getInstance(); $filterableAttributes = $objectManager->get(MagentoCatalogModelLayerCategoryFilterableAttributeList::class); $appState = $objectManager->get(MagentoFrameworkAppState::class);…
I'm trying to trigger a function in js when clicking on save button in edit product admin page. I followed the suggestions from here: And I modify in app/code/core/Mage/Adminhtml/Block/Catalog/Product/Edit.php $this->setChild('save_button', $this->getLayout()->createBlock('adminhtml/widget_button') ->setData(array( 'label' => Mage::helper('catalog')->__('Save'), 'onclick' => 'productForm.submit(); myFunction();',…
I'm trying to get all products using collectionFactory in a custom module like this: $products = $this->_productCollectionFactory->create(); ->addAttributeToSelect('*'); where _productCollectionFactory is initialized in the __construct() as an instance of MagentoCatalogModelResourceModelProductCollectionFactory $productCollectionFactory, the problem is that, without any applied filter, the…