Magento 2 :: How to change the price format to Indian price format?
How to change the price format to Indian price format in Magento 2 Example: Price display like 453,453, want to display in the indian manner like 4,53,450
How to change the price format to Indian price format in Magento 2 Example: Price display like 453,453, want to display in the indian manner like 4,53,450
Magento 2 custom rest api,I can not get an array in modalrepository, How can i pass an array as parameter ? Webapi.xml <route method="POST" url="/V1/topmarkens/productlists"> <service class="MeridianTopMarkenApiTopMarkenRepositoryInterface" method="productFilterByBrand"/> <resources> <resource ref="anonymous"/> </resources> <data> <parameter name="types" force="true">%types%</parameter> </data> </route> TopMarkenRepositoryInterface.php /**…
I installed Magento 2 - Luma theme using XAMPP. When I try to change one heading for example, from Admin Panel - everything is working.It displays changed heading in the front end correctly. When I try do the same from…
I try to override a js file in the magento2 checkout. I want to override /vendor/magento/module-checkout/view/frontend/web/js/view/form/element/email.js. So I copied the file in my module to: /app/code/Myself/Test/view/frontend/web/js/view/form/element/email.js I did a small change in /app/code/Myself/Test/view/frontend/web/js/view/form/element/email.js: /** * Callback on changing email property…
this is category admin section where I have set products position. But not showing correct order on category page.
I've been trying for a few days, but I never could. I installed Magento 2.1. I installed the theme and then modules activated via ssh (bin/magento). Then bin/magento setup:upgrade and bin/magento setup:di:compile I'm getting some errors. I’m using Plesk Onyx…
I'm using Magento2,when i login on my website i got this message. There has been an error processing your request Specified invalid parent id (Magento_Backend::mgs) Error log record number: 1307308720759 This website was working fine but last day i run…
I have created a module in which i am overwriting core functionality of product listing widget. I can achieve this using preference but i want to understand plugin method.. Below is my code for frontend/di.xml <?xml version="1.0"?> <config xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:ObjectManager/etc/config.xsd">…
I have a rule created in Magento 2, e.g. 10% OFF, this rule uses auto generated coupon code, instead of a pre-assigned code. I'd like to know how I can generate codes based on the rule programmatically. NOTE: This is…
I have created a new custom order attribute named delivery_date and shown the same in sales order grid but i am not getting the custom attribute in my order Api response. The error I am getting is Fatal error: Uncaught…