Magento 2: Bulk update inventory
Is it possible to make a bulk update for inventory on Magento 2? Updating one by one throughout StockItemInterface is too slow.
Is it possible to make a bulk update for inventory on Magento 2? Updating one by one throughout StockItemInterface is too slow.
I need the ORDER ITEM ID in order to consume the service RefundInvoice at Magento 2 to create a credit memo with a refund ( Order item ID is I definitely something else than the order ID, since I tried…
I am trying to get constant contacts script to work with magento 2 requirejs. (I tried adding it inline but it conflicts and causes errors) Their script requires an array localizedErrMap and jQuery object. I created localizedErrMap.js define([], function(){ var…
Magento 2 show wrong title for every module on website, example module warranty and payment (Create new customer account). It show for title path vendor/magento/module-theme/view/frontend/templates/html/title.phtml How i can solve this problem?
I added qty input on product list (list.phtml) is any way to implement solution with update qty like on cart page or minicart? not just add to cart but update qty in product list. Regards Matt
I have been attempting to create a custom customer attribute that would allow the customer to save an attribute to their profile. When I update my Magento site with the code, I see no front end change nor do I…
so I just started to learn using Magento 2 and I'm blocked from the start :/ I looked in many sites before for my problem I found solutions but none of them did solve my problem, I hope you have…
I am working on a Magento 2 extension that will send a message to me when a new product review is written. I've tried to create an observer, but it never seems to work. In ets/events.xml, I have this: <event…
I'm struggling with a big issue, the magento deployment command failed. php bin/magento deploy:mode:set production return the following error: Command returned non-zero exit code: /usr/bin/php7.0 -f bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy fr_FR en_US Thanks in advance!
I'm in a brain-breaking problem here. I've created a nice Magento 2.1.7 installation with two websites (two stores, two domains) and somehow after a while we are unable to login the backend of Magento. Invalid Form Key. Please refresh the…