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Hosted Azure Pipeline for .NET MAUI iOS App fails with "Could not find a valid Xcode app bundle at '/Applications/'"

Starting yesterday, our hosted azure build pipelines for our .NET MAUI iOS App began to break with the following error message /Users/runner/hostedtoolcache/dotnet/packs/Microsoft.iOS.Sdk.net8.0_18.0/18.0.8314/tools/msbuild/iOS/Xamarin.Shared.targets(1867,3): error : Could not find a valid Xcode app bundle at '/Applications/'. Please verify that 'xcode-select -p' points…


Visual Studio Code – error : clang++ exited with code 1 error in MAUI app VS code

I'm using VS code for MAUI application. VS code Version: 1.93.1 . Xcode Version 16.0. There is no issue with the code. Facing iOS SDK issues. I'm facing the below error. /usr/local/share/dotnet/packs/Microsoft.iOS.Sdk.net8.0_17.5/17.5.8030/targets/Xamarin.Shared.Sdk.targets(1641,3): error : clang++ exited with code 1: [/Users/#####/Documents/###-dfp-###-mobile-maui/src/####/###.csproj::TargetFramework=net8.0-ios]…

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