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MeteorJS form submission is refreshing the page with event.preventDefault() enabled – Twitter API

The dating application is built with MeteorJS and the page refreshes whenever I attempt to submit this form to register a user. Also, Meteor.user().services.twitter.profile_image_url doesn't seem to get Twitter image. Please help imports/ui/components/partials/register-user.html <template name="registerUser"> <div class="user-card"> <form id="user-form"> <div…


Lookback:Meteor-seo broken?

Using meteor 1.5.2 I installed the latest lookback:meteor-seo plugin and im getting this error lookback_seo.js?hash=a658c0f8fd82680b329114c5e62d2bb35a458f36:245 Uncaught ReferenceError: Meta is not defined at Function.Iron.Router.plugins.seo (lookback_seo.js?hash=a658c0f8fd82680b329114c5e62d2bb35a458f36:245) at Function.Router.plugin (iron_router.js?hash=f36af52c3c2c3d66f1e99d1562e7d6bf92b00c1c:1326) at lookback_seo.js?hash=a658c0f8fd82680b329114c5e62d2bb35a458f36:310 at lookback_seo.js?hash=a658c0f8fd82680b329114c5e62d2bb35a458f36:471 at lookback_seo.js?hash=a658c0f8fd82680b329114c5e62d2bb35a458f36:478 Iron.Router.plugins.seo @ lookback_seo.js?hash=a658c0f8fd82680b329114c5e62d2bb35a458f36:245 Router.plugin @ iron_router.js?hash=f36af52c3c2c3d66f1e99d1562e7d6bf92b00c1c:1326 (anonymous)…


Meteor app can't find routes – SEO

New to meteor. Just cloned a git repo, and upon launching the app, I get a router.js:347 There is no route for the path: / error. This is my route for root in imports/startup/client/routes.js FlowRouter.route('/', { name: 'Home', action() {…


Meteor – error after upgrading to 1.4 – Twitter bootstrap

I was working in a project in Meteor 1.3 and today I upgraded to 1.4 and when i try to run the project after running meteor reset I get the following error: While loading plugin `compileScss` from package `fourseven:scss`: /Users/mazinalmaskari/.meteor/packages/fourseven_scss/.2.1.1.xb5zda++os.osx.x86_64+web.browser+web.cordova/plugin.compileScss.os.osx.x86_64/npm/compileScss/node_modules/node-sass/lib/index.js:22:11:…

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