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Title: TypeError in Flutter Test: Null is not a subtype of Future<String>

I'm writing a Flutter test where I'm trying to mock a method that calculates the BMI. Despite using when(...).thenReturn(...) to return a future value, I'm encountering the following error: ══╡ EXCEPTION CAUGHT BY FLUTTER TEST FRAMEWORK ╞════════════════════════════════════════════════════ The following _TypeError…


How to mock and verify Future return value function with Mockito Flutter?

I'm trying to mock a function which is having Future<bool> as return with String` paramater. I have defined the following test: final Future<bool> Function(String) _handleFilterSelect = MockFunction(); when('/view/movie_1234')) .thenAnswer((_) => Future.value(true)); FilterList filterList = new FilterList( '/view/movie', onFilterSelect: _handleFilterSelect, );…


Spring-boot Redis JMS JUnit

I am using Redis Server for message broker in my spring boot application. Is there any simple way to Junit my publish and receive API? e.g : Publisher : public String publish(Object domainObj) { template.convertAndSend(topic.getTopic(), domainObj.toString()); return "Event Published"; }…

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