Magento – Use Multiple view in PHP MVC
It's been a while since i dealt with PHP but i am doing a project from scratch and trying to create a simple MVC framework to display the work and maybe upgrade it in the future. What i can't seem…
It's been a while since i dealt with PHP but i am doing a project from scratch and trying to create a simple MVC framework to display the work and maybe upgrade it in the future. What i can't seem…
I am trying to upload an image and display it in my application. I am working in AngularJS, MVC and Web APi. My Image uploads successfully to a folder. Issue is: After uploading I send back relative path as Http…
in my webpage layout i have a modal which whenever user register or some event happens simply i show on the top of screen.i am using Laravel blade template engine and i use session() function to send data to front-end.…
using System; using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; using Simple_website.Services namespace simple_website.Controllers { public class UserViewModel { public Guid Id { get; set; } public string Login { get; set; } public string FirstName { get; set; } public string LastName {…
Learning the MVC model has been a bit of a journey. However, I find myself tripping up over small things every now and again such as if a controller can have a one to one relationship with a model or…
The sidebar is overlapping with Footer, as shown in the below image I want the footer to be after the fixed to bottom. My Layout is as below Layout.cshtml <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <body> <!-- Begin page --> <div id="layout-wrapper…
I'm trying to send Product object from view to controller using ajax, I've searched a lot before posting this question but most of results shows how to send array of objects or array of files but in my case my…
I followed the example of this tutorial ( to create a simple registration and login pages for C# MVC .Net Web app. I was able to implement the user registration to a local mysql hosted by Xampp However for the…
The variables of the model should be private to give it greater security in some way or should they not be private? the help was greatly appreciated code -- flutter -- List FavoritosUsuarioFromJson(String str) => List<InfoModel>.from(json.decode(str).map((x) => InfoModel.fromJson(x))); class InfoModel{…
I am trying to make the 'next' button work using the MVC architecture but for some reason, I get no response when clicking on it. I have imported the 'nextQuestion' function to controller.js as the 'Publisher & subscriber design patterns'…