Visual Studio Code – C'# Checking if an Ajax call c# side
I have some code below so that when a user calls a method in an mvc controller it does some checks to see if it is an Ajax call or not. If Ajax it returns a json response else it…
I have some code below so that when a user calls a method in an mvc controller it does some checks to see if it is an Ajax call or not. If Ajax it returns a json response else it…
I am accessing a PayPalController through routes in routes/api.php but when I try to check if a user is authenticated, it returns null. PayPalController: <?php namespace AppHttpControllers; use IlluminateHttpRequest; use IlluminateSupportFacadesAuth; use SrmklivePayPalServicePaypal; class PayPalController extends Controller { public function…
i need help. I want to update image in Edit page, but just when it is necessary. the problem is whenever i do an edit i have to upload the image again. i want to keep the old image if…
The question is about MVC. I need to check my text field changes, when user typing some text. Text field is in main view controller and I need to send changes to model function which is in another class in…
hitting controller and returning data while debugging but in js>>Ajax call>>success is not hitting repository public FGMOQMapping GetFGMOQMappingAutoSuggest(long loginId) { FGMOQMapping fGMOQMapping = new FGMOQMapping(); DynamicParameters parameters = new DynamicParameters(); parameters.Add("LoginId", loginId); using (var multi = con.QueryMultiple("usp_FGMOQMapping_GetList_AutoSuggest", parameters, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure))…
I'm new to Asp .net core, I was trying to build form using CRUD opertaions.Since i'm trying to save the new data it redirecting to form action instead of homepage where my list is visible. I want my data to…
I am working on the C# ASP.Net MVC project. I use Entity Framework for crud stuff. I am trying to show a text from my database in a div but not list type. I want to manage my index page…
There's three roles and I want to add a default "user" role whenever there's a registration. I'm using 6 mvc with identity What I did it's not working. I checked the tables and the Identity.AspNetUsers table is updated, the…
As a beginner, I still don't understand completely what I'm doing. I'm trying to add a weather API to a webpage but when I try to call the class on the view, it doesn't work and I get an error…
<tbody> @foreach (var item in Model) { int count = 1; <tr> <td>@count</td> <td>@item.ProductName</td> <td> @Html.ActionLink("Edit", "ProductEdit", new { productId = item.ProductId }) </td> </tr> count = count + 1; } </tbody> This code is to display the products in…