How to center this model in SceneKit – Ios swift
Imported a tiger model into SceneKit, but it is off center? Is this something I can fix? The green/red/blue arrows should be under the model?
Imported a tiger model into SceneKit, but it is off center? Is this something I can fix? The green/red/blue arrows should be under the model?
I have a problem with my date. I do the insert with the postman and no matter what I enter I always get back "0001-01-01T00:00:00". Would also like to limit the output to just the date. I am very grateful…
I have a Laravel job that is supposed to accept a newly created Eloquent model as a constructor attribute, then perform a save() operation on it in the handle() method. However, as soon as I try saving the model to…
I want to get daily data from my database. I try 2 code and both are not working for me. $sales=Sale::whereDate('created_at', '=', Carbon::today()); The error that I got: Class 'AppHttpControllersCarbon' not found and when I try $sales=Sale::whereDay('created_at', now()->day)->get(); The error…