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How to check mongoDB updateOne execution time

I have been using .explain("executionStats") to find the execution time for a get-call like below in mongoDB compass console sh: db.getCollection('Employee').find({"value.attendence":{$elemMatch:{"$lt":"2023-03-11T08:49:00Z","$gt":"2023-03-11T08:51:00Z"}}}).explain("executionStats") This works fine. However now I want to see the update timings and not finding a proper query. I…


Mongodb – How can I project an object only if a specific field exists?

I have the following documents in my MongoDB Aggregation stage: _id: ObjectId('641316fd596514e63a2121ca'), teamId: 5, playerId: ObjectId('64131139596514e63a2121c1') _id: ObjectId('641316fd596514e63a2121ca'), teamId: 5, playerId: ObjectId('64143f7702ede13fea5ff3be') _id: ObjectId('64143f458b6a6cf54652d3a5'), teamId: 17, playerId: ObjectId('64143fa75a97b9a63a260e16') _id: ObjectId('64143f4f9ba5f2b3cf3030e6'), teamId: 3 I want to create an Object field called…

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