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Mongodb replicaset and oplog size

I want to check my replicasets are working properly or not while oplog size is over(minimum 990 mb). How can I convert a standalone remote server to replica set. How can I fixed the oplogsize of replica set. How can…


How to connect to mongodb replicaset (k8s) using compass

I installed mongodb as a replicaset with 3 replicas on my k8s cluster using the bitnami helm chart. So I get these pods: mongodb-0.mongodb-headless.mongodb.svc.cluster.local:27017 mongodb-1.mongodb-headless.mongodb.svc.cluster.local:27017 mongodb-2.mongodb-headless.mongodb.svc.cluster.local:27017 Now I would like to get access using mongodb compass. I set a port…


How to initiate mongodb replica set using nodejs

I'm running the following code for mongodb replica set initialization: try { const mongoClient: MongoClient = new MongoClient(process.env.MONGODB_URI || 'mongodb://mongodb:27017', {replicaSet: "rs0"}); const mongoDb: Db = new Db(mongoClient, "admin"); const response = await mongoDb.admin().command({ replSetInitiate: {} }, {}) } catch…

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