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Unable to connect to Mongodb from Nodejs

I am trying to connect to Mongodb from my first node project.I am using Mongoose to achieve that. However, mongoose.connect() gives me MongoParseError error. Complete error: MongoParseError: options connections, models, events, __driver, options, _pluralize, schema, model, plugins, default, mongoose, cast,…


How can I retrieve image from mongodb

in mongodb my image is saved as image: BinData(0, 'QzpcZmFrZXBhdGhcV2hhdHNBcHAgSW1hZ2UgMjAyMi0xMi0wNCB40Ny4zMS5qcGc=') I am trying to access this image in my frontend Reactjs like this {userData.image ? <img src={data:image;base64,${userData.image}} alt="User profile image" width="200" height="200" /> : <img src={'./Images/profile.png'} alt="Default image" width="200" height="200"…


Mongodb – Unable to get document using document.findOne()

I tried to get a document using document.findOne() but it's value is showing undefined . Here is my code `"/studentlogin",(req,res)=> { let password; console.log("login page"); bcrypt.hash(req.body.password,saltRounds,(err,hash)=> { const user= Student.findOne({srno:req.body.srno}); console.log(user.srno); if(req.body.srno==user.srno && hash==user.password) { session=req.username; session.userid=req.body.srno; res.redirect("/"); } else{…


String version of MongoDB WithID typescript generic

The WithId generic that comes with Mongo's typescript library is highly useful in scenarios where you don't want to modify your existing interface/type for use with MongoDB such as: export class TagsCl { private publicTags: Promise<Array<WithId<ProductTag>>>; private allTags: Promise<Array<WithId<ProductTag>>>; private…

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