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Nest.js MongoDb always return results

So the find method always returns results even when there are no results that match the search query. What could be the reason? Schema: export const ReviewScehma = new mongoose.Schema({ reviewId: { type: String, default: '' }, authorName: { type:…


Mongodb – Mongo DB Realm + Kotlin Coroutines – Cannot find a version of 'org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-core' that satisfies the version constraints

I'm trying to use Mongo DB Realm in my Android app. I've added those two dependencies: implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-core:1.6.0-native-mt" implementation "io.realm.kotlin:library-sync:1.0.2" Along with the plugin: id 'io.realm.kotlin' and id 'io.realm.kotlin' version '1.0.2' apply false But I'm getting this strange error, and…


Mongodb – Javascript Access an an Object in an Array

I'm fetching data from MongoDB, and the response is coming through fine, however it appears to be wrapped in array when it comes out of the User.find() function. For example, one response is: [{"_id":"62fe3c888e2776ef3c1a010f","username":"Drago D Trial","password":"U2FsdGVkX1867hs26KL0KitTGhWnP9tdVX6AcmI5pWE=","fullname":"Drago DaTrial","firstname":"","surname":"","email":"[email protected]","position":"QA Tester","userImage":"","locationCity":"","country":"","role":"","company":"","emailAuthorised":true,"professionalBio":"","positionRecentTitle":"","positionRecentCompany":"","companyAuthorised":"","isAdmin":false,"createdAt":"2022-08-18T13:20:08.045Z","updatedAt":"2022-08-18T13:21:02.619Z","__v":0}] I'm accessing…


Check for missing field or null value in mongoDB atlas

I am using mongodb atlas for full text search. My sample collection looks like this : { "_id": "62fdfd7518da050007f035c5", "expiryDate": "2022-08-18T23:59:59+05:30", "arrayField" : ['abc', 'def', 'ghi', 'jkl'] }, { "_id": "62fdfd7518da050007f035c6", "expiryDate": null, "arrayField" : ['abc','jkl'] }, { "_id": "62fdfd7518da050007f035c7",…

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