How to get only 10 documents at a time in mongodb?
const result = student.find(); In mongodb database i require to get 10 documents on every buttion click and next time on click i need to get net 10 documents in mongodb.
const result = student.find(); In mongodb database i require to get 10 documents on every buttion click and next time on click i need to get net 10 documents in mongodb.
I'm creating a MERN stack ecommerce application where I want send all user info along with jwt token but except password I'm ok with token part & I know how to send user but i don't know how to exclude…
I am desperately looking for a way to give a String and make it case-insensitive, and get the result with MongoDB. I tried with a RegEx, but it doesn't work properly, because if the given String has some characters, they…
I'm using the query bellow to get max date (field named extractionDate) in a collection called KPI, and since I'm only interested in the field extractionDate: @Override public Mono<DBObject> getLastExtractionDate(MatchOperation matchOperation,ProjectionOperation projectionOperation) { return Mono.from(mongoTemplate.aggregate( newAggregation( matchOperation, projectionOperation, group().max(EXTRACTION_DATE).as("result"), project().andExclude("_id")…
I am building a user login system and currently the way I have it set up, the user types in their email and password and then that information is sent to my server to be checked if accurate. If it…
at the moment my notification documents has an events property which is an array of event. Each event has a status and a date. When querying notifications, it needs to check if the top status is opened. Valid object where…
I have an ASP.NET API to handle data going to a Mongo database. I need to also send some dynamic / irregular data for a number of documents, that'll have a couple of extra properties. I'm trying to use this…
I was following an ecommerce website tutorial on Nodejs express (handlebars template). When try to connect to mongo dB (installed on system i.e., port 27017) it shows if(err) console.log ("connection Error"+ err) ^ ReferenceError: err is not defined var db=require('./config/connection');…
I have this mongoose query: let rE = await cR.find({myid: "xxxxxx"}); now this query will return multiple results, in which I then need to query another model based off of the rE.class_id, which is returned through rE, the query above.…
I want to create a Post method to update a single property from my API main Object: @Builder @Document(collection = "tableItems") @NoArgsConstructor @AllArgsConstructor @Data public class TableItem { @Id private String id; private int roundNumber; private RoundState roundState; private int…