Mongodb – Django url issue while calling in Postman
I am creating CRUD operation in Django, REST API and Mongo DB. I have done the basic CRUD code. When I try to call the api in postman, I am not getting any responses. In the pycharm, I am seeing…
I am creating CRUD operation in Django, REST API and Mongo DB. I have done the basic CRUD code. When I try to call the api in postman, I am not getting any responses. In the pycharm, I am seeing…
var express = require('express'); var router = express.Router(); const MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient; /* GET home page. */ router.get('/', function (req, res, next) { res.render('index', { title: 'Express' }); });"/signup", function (req, res) { console.log("first_name: " + req.body.first_name) console.log("last_name: "…
I tried to use aggregate and lookup but look like I cannot keep role in the members item. Any idea how to resolve it? db.groups.insertMany([ { title: 'Hi', members: [ { userId: ObjectId('62589515f239750e7e44b958'), role: 'Admin' }, { userId: ObjectId('655f634c632d0c23b9d455de'), role:…
I am simply trying to count some documents. When using other parameters such as "type": "someType", I get the correct count. But when I use {"createdAt": {"$gte": "", "$lte": ""}} (with actual dates which are JS date objects) I get…
I've a customer document with attributes array. I want to insert new attributes and update already existing ones. Already existing "attributes" within the document: [{ key: "email", value: "[email protected]" }, { key: "name", value: "Somebody" }] I want to** add…
I am trying to query on MongoDB with a compound text index as below: index : {name : 'text' , createdAt:'-1'} That will create a compound index for the name and createdAt field, but when I try to query on…
When I send an API request using Hoppscotch, I get an error in my terminal and status code: 500 on hoppscotch. I am not able to rectify the problem. I am attaching my code below. var mongodb = require('mongodb'); var…
Is there a MongoDB aggregation query equivalent to the following SQL statement using a single MongoDB aggregation? (The two operands of the JOIN are two subqueries that also include join operations.) SELECT T1.C1, T2.C2 FROM (SELECT T3.C1 C1, T4.C2 C2…
There is a document {i:[1,2,3,4,5,6]} and need to find by array element value with specified index: find({ $and: [ {"i.0": 1}, {"i.1": 2} ] }) However, this can not take vantadge of index of createIndex({i:1}) This kind index seems only…
I have a dataset containing 128 million records stored on a small system hosting an instance of MongoDB. The records are all approximatly 3 kB in size, and they are all of the same shape. (They all contain the same…