MongoDb – Spring Boot – Enum Type
I have a project with Spring Boot and MongoDB. I have an enum class that return Integer. But, as far as i know, enum types saved as String into mongdb. But, i want to saved as Integer. How can i…
I have a project with Spring Boot and MongoDB. I have an enum class that return Integer. But, as far as i know, enum types saved as String into mongdb. But, i want to saved as Integer. How can i…
I've looked at similar questions but couldn't find my answer. I've got this info: { "_id": "631337640754675725", "characters": [ { "name": "Druuwu", "scores": [ { "date": "2023-09-03", "score": 100 }, { "date": "2023-09-03", "score": 1000 }, { "date": "2023-09-03", "score":…
I'm building an aggregation pipeline in mongodb and I'm encountering some unexpected behaviour. The pipeline is as follow: [{ "$search":{ "index":"vector_index", "knnBeta":{ "vector":[ -0.30345699191093445, 0.6833441853523254, 1.2565147876739502, -0.6364057064056396 ], "path":"embedding", "k":10, "filter":{ "compound":{ "filter":[ { "text":{ "path":"", "query":[ "value1", "value2", "value3",…
I've created a free tier MongoDB cluster, and I'm getting this message from MongoDB: You are receiving this alert email because connections to your cluster(s) have exceeded 500, and is nearing the connection limit for the M0 cluster HSDevCluster in…
I'm doing mongodb database after tutorial from NetNinja. Since I'm kinda bad with js, I'm just following his actions. I'm stuck with: node:internal/errors:496 ErrorCaptureStackTrace(err); ^ ... Error [ERR_HTTP_HEADERS_SENT]: Cannot set headers after they are sent to the client I'm having…
I am trying to communicate with my server that I run locally on vscode, the client on a separate vscode window I have live server enabled(this should not matter I believe). I keep getting 404 when I try to access…
I want to access db mongo/SQL Server in the most effective way. From my perspective, I will just use context as singleton and that's all. I worked before at a company where they use all the logic services as singleton…
com.mongodb.MongoSocketWriteException: Exception sending message Caused by: Received fatal alert: internal_error While trying to connect mongodb using Springboot getting error MongoSocketWriteExcepption caused by
I am getting started with backend and just keep getting the same error. This is my server.js --> // Step 1 create a folder backend // Step 2 npm init -y // Step 3 open in VS Code // Step…
How can I write a mongo query to filter today's record with time when I have date and time in string in json object in mongo. My Json Object is { "_id": "" "data_id": 3227, "series_id": 240, "date_wise": "17 Sep…