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Count GROUP_CONCAT column to check for duplicates – Mysql

I have the following query: SELECT cpe.entity_id AS configurable_product_id, cpe.sku AS configurable_product_sku, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT cpsa.attribute_id ORDER BY cpsa.attribute_id SEPARATOR ',') AS configurable_super_attribute_ids, cp.entity_id AS simple_product_id, cp.sku AS simple_product_sku, GROUP_CONCAT(cpei.attribute_id, '_', cpei.value ORDER BY cpei.attribute_id SEPARATOR ',') AS simple_product_super_attribute_values FROM catalog_product_entity AS…


Using mysql 8 window functions

My salary table looks like this, employeeId Salary salaryEffectiveFrom 19966 10000.00 2022-07-01 19966 20000.00 2022-07-15 My role/grades table looks like this, employeeId grade roleEffectiveFrom 19966 grade 3 2022-07-01 19966 grade 2 2022-07-10 I am trying to get the salary a…

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