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Mysql – How to Form a Polars DataFrame from SQL Alchemy Asynchronous Query Result?

The title says it all. Here is the code snippet. async with EngineContext(uri=URI) as engine: session = async_sessionmaker(bind=engine, expire_on_commit=True)() async with session.begin(): stmt: Select = select(User).order_by(_GenerativeSelect__first=User.login_date.desc()).limit(limit=10) result = await session.execute(statement=stmt) Equivalent to the very simple query, SELECT * FROM User…


Configuring Saxon for MySQL

I'm having difficulty getting Saxon configured to use MySQL, in oXygen and in eXist-db. Here is my attempt in eXist-db xquery. There are no errors, I do get a connection object (so the fields extracted from my.cnf do appear to…


Laravel query idea

I'm a bit stuck writing something that should be pretty simple, so I need your help. I have one main table "posts", and two other related tables "categories" and "sectors". I'm making the filter route, and the logic should be…

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