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Get the MIN(date) across all records BUT also getting SUM for each type – Mysql

I have the following data delimited by COMMA. balance_date,name,wallet_type,available_balance 2020-05-07 13:28:59,wokalap,debit,12345 2020-06-02 08:07:18,wokalap,credit,1116 2020-06-02 08:07:18,wokalap,crypto,113 2020-05-06 59:10:05,wokalap,debit,55795 2020-06-07 08:07:18,wokalap,credit,1448 2020-06-05 08:07:18,wokalap,crypto,546 I want to get the SUM for each wallet_type but I also would ONLY want to get the earliest…


Column not found error while migrating the laravel project to mysql server

I am trying to set up the laravel project. When I am running the migrations the following error is received. demongod@Abhisheks-MacBook-Air-2 factoring % php artisan migrate Migrating: 2022_02_25_173457_add_morph_columns_in_payment_accounts_table DoctrineDBALSchemaExceptionColumnDoesNotExist There is no column with name "employee_id" on table "payment_accounts". at…

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