i cant use python input to create mysql database
I want to take input from user of creating a mysql database I cant use python input to create mysql databasewhat i tryed Getting this error please help the error
I want to take input from user of creating a mysql database I cant use python input to create mysql databasewhat i tryed Getting this error please help the error
This is my table id c_id number 3444 34 3377752 3446 35 3473747 3447 35 3532061 3454 37 3379243 3455 38 3464467 3456 38 3377493 I want to create a table which is show me not repeated value in a…
I have two schemas in the same database. I want to update a table in one schema based on the table in another schema where the column value matches. The structure of my database is as follows. structure of database…
I have a mysql table employees with a column 'Date_of_joining'. I am trying to get the list of employees whose date of joining is closest to the current date Employees : EmpID Date_of_joining 1 2015-08-30 2 2019-01-15 3 2018-01-11 Expected…
Let's say I have a table: name number date name1 91104 '2022-12-01' name2 11161 '2022-12-02' I am writing these queries: select count(name) from table where created_at between '2022-12-01' and '2022-12-10' and terminal_id like '911%' select count(name) from table where created_at…
Artist Points Notorious BIG 34 Notorious BIG feat. blah blah 42 2pac 20 2pac feat. Dr. Dre 30 I would like to group and sum by Artist for a table to look like so: Artist Points Notorious BIG 76 2pac…
I'm creating a database using MySQL for a music streaming application for my school project. It has a table "song_discoveries" which has these columns: user_id, song_id and discovery_date. It has no primary key. The "user_id" and "song_id" are foreign keys…
I am trying to load a CSV file to my MYSQL database, however before I do so I need to modify it slightly. The CSV file is Pipe delimitated (|) I have a column in the CSV file called Party:Identification.…
How can I apply UPPER on an array of string in MySQL E.g. ... WHERE col1 IN UPPER('abc', 'def') i.e., I want to match a column value against an array of strings, after applying UPPER or any other MySQL string…
I have this sql statement: try { $sql = $db->prepare( 'INSERT INTO customers (UID, kundennr, salutation, fname, lname, organization, email, phone, address, zip, city, CHECKED) VALUES (:uid, :kundennr, :salutation, :fname, :lname, :organization, :email, :phone, :address, :zip, :city, CHECKED)'); $sql->execute( array(…