How do I add one year to this MySQL query?
SELECT date_format(CURDATE(), '%e-%b-%y'); This spits out the date to be 27-Dec-22 and I simply need to run another query so it shows 27-Dec-23
SELECT date_format(CURDATE(), '%e-%b-%y'); This spits out the date to be 27-Dec-22 and I simply need to run another query so it shows 27-Dec-23
I'm developing a simple GET endpoint using NodeJS, express and MySql, but whenever i use the mysql.query('select * from table'), through an service, the server is shutdown. The same query is successful when i declare it in the database.js file,…
I tested a mysql cluster using sysbench to figure out a sweet spot to set maximum threads to. In my endevours I came across the threads option in sysbench. --threads=N I also came across the thread_pool_size in Mysql Thread pool…
My concern: if ($case=='private') { $langtitle = 'title'; } else { $langtitle='title_gov'; } if it is Government (falls under else case above) I want to select, 'title' as well as 'title_gov' with Select in query as, Images::select($langtitle ,'id', 'title') ->groupBy('id')…
CREATE DEFINER = 'root'@'localhost' PROCEDURE client_logging_system.Proc_client_Delete(IN in_clientID int) COMMENT ' -- Parameter: -- in_clientID: ID of client ' BEGIN DECLARE exit handler for sqlexception BEGIN ROLLBACK; end; START TRANSACTION; DELETE FROM `client` WHERE `client`.ID = in_clientID; ALTER TABLE `client` AUTO_INCREMENT…
I have a DB column named ask_code and ask_grouping which says if the ask_code is grouping or not (like a boolean for G = yes). How I do a SELECT query to get all the ask_code by grouping? Something like…
In my database I have a record with title is "Học lập trình hướng đối tượng với Java" When I search I use SELECT * FROM posts WHERE post_title like '%hoc%' Or SELECT * FROM posts WHERE post_title like '%Học%'…
I have a large database with around 75K points. This database represents a time series associated with countries with the following format: |country | value | date | I am using a fastapi API to serve this data on my…
I have a large database in which I use LIMIT in order not to fetch all the results of the query every time (It is not necessary). But I have an issue: I need to count the number of results.…
I'm trying in MYSQL, please suggest the expected result Thank you in advance table 1 year Cars 2000 BMW 2000 Maruti Suzuki 2000 TOYOTA 2001 Volkswagen 2001 Daimler 2001 Chevrolet OUTPUT Year Cars 2000 BMW, Maruti Suzuki, TOYOTA 2001 Volkswagen,…